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40 young entrepreneurs, aged 6 to14, showcased their businesses at BizFest on June 8, 2024.
BizFest Facts
45+ applications received.
27 product-based businesses participated.
9 entrepreneurs obtained temporary business licenses.
1 registered the company in the state of Washington.
4 businesses by 6-8 yrs old.
14 businesses by 9-11 yrs old.
9 businesses by 12-14 yrs old.
A business volume of $2782 was generated.
Businesses paid around $250 in sales tax.
Katie Patterson Larson
Executive Director and Founder of a local non-profit organization -
Justin Botejue
Biz Dev & Growth Strategist, Physician Relations Liaison at Shriners Children Spokane, STCU Board Member, Vice President - Spokane Scholars Foundation.
Photo Credit - Suwanee Lennon (Entrepreneur's Parent) and Hrishikesh Joshi (AmpUpSkill Volunteer)
Amp up your skill.
Become a young, enterprising and kind entrepreneur.
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